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Manga - FanFox (MangaFox) crawler

Manga - FanFox (MangaFox) crawler 2020-06-26

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Had this for awhile never added it so here you go if anyone has any other extensions please share.

Allow you to crawl data and import manga from Fanfox.net (formly Mangafox.net). It supports both Auto (all mangas) and Manual (single manga) mode. With Proxy settings and various options

The one that you are long-waiting for is here: build a manga site in minutes without manual and boring work of uploading images. The tool will help you to import manga from Fanfox.net (formly Mangafox.com) easily. Features of this plugin:
  • Work with all MangaBooth’s themes
    Support auto-mode: scrape all mangas
    Support manual-mode: scrape manga that you specify
    Proxy settings to bypass any anti-crawlers
    Cron-jobs settings
    Upload directly to cloud if you have any CDN settings (blogger, blogspot, amazon, imgur)
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