I am currently using Dify to manage my projects, and I am looking for a way to delete old or unnecessary data, such as temporary files, logs, or cache. However, I am not sure where these files are stored or the recommended process to clean them up without affecting the system's stability. I would like to know if Dify provides any built-in scripts or commands for this purpose.
Remove unused containers:
This command will remove all stopped containers.
Remove unused images:
Remove all images that are not used by any container.
Remove unused volumes:
Remove unnecessary system data:
This command will remove all unnecessary data, including stopped containers, images, volumes, and unused networks.
It seems wrong to delete user uploaded data over 30 days, instead because there are so many deprecated containers each time it is updated, 50GB of memory is full.

How to clean up space in Docker:
Remove unused containers:
docker container prune
This command will remove all stopped containers.
Remove unused images:
docker image prune -a
Remove all images that are not used by any container.
Remove unused volumes:
docker volume prune
Remove unnecessary system data:
docker system prune -a --volumes
This command will remove all unnecessary data, including stopped containers, images, volumes, and unused networks.
It seems wrong to delete user uploaded data over 30 days, instead because there are so many deprecated containers each time it is updated, 50GB of memory is full.